Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Keep Calm, Christ is Coming.

There's been a lot going on recently. Our house is under offer, and we in turn have offered on a new home. We're awaiting my husbands visa, all being well, we should be in our new home some time in January. I'm very much looking forward to it. This is a time of waiting, for the visa, for official moving dates, for the first snow of winter.

As Advent approaches, it's also a time of waiting for Christ, for the Light of the World, and the Word who became flesh, and dwelt among us. I've been reflecting the last few days, and releasing how badly my relationship with God needs renewal. During this stressful time of negotiating house moves, and toddlers who have started climbing. Of house, and work, of child care, and marriage, I have not turned to God as I should. I cannot remember the last time I sat down and prayed with real focus. We have missed Mass, and we need to go to Confession.

When my relationship with God is lacking, so is my relationship with others. I become impatient with my husband and children, I think selfishly, I do not love as I ought. When focused on God, I in turn become more focused on my family. I'm reminded of my vocation to love and serve them. I pray for patience and kindness, rather than snapping at them. I remember that we are called to be Joyful.

By nature, I'm an impatient person. I have a tendency to be self-critical, and to stress where stress really isn't necessary or helpful. Ultimately, this portrays my lack of trust in God, and this is what I want my focus to be on - fully trusting God, serving him and his people, and believing with all my heart that no matter what happens in life, we should Keep Calm, because Christ is coming.

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