Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Day by Day.

Goodness me, its been a while. To be honest, I don't know if I have any passion left for blogging. I sometimes feel that I'm simply repeating things others have said before, and far more eloquently than me. I feel not all stories need to be told, and yet, here I am, not sure why, but here.

The twins LOVE nursery, and even in just a couple of months have come on leaps and bounds. The staff are wonderful, and overall, I couldn't be happier. Gareth is still a chatterbox, and when we walk to nursery, and pass the Primary School, if there are children out playing, he'll say 'Hi kid, what you doing kid?' Molly is shyer, she talks away at home, but rarely outside. Her grandpa commented the other day that he's never heard her speak. She's started talking a little at nursery, and one of the staff was delighted to tell me that Molly told the class 'my daddy is from America'. Both kids have been assessed by speech and language therapy, and they said everything was fine. We took Molly back for an assessment on her own, because Gareth kept answering for her. She did extremely well, and displayed the understanding of a six and a half year old. It's funny now listening to them have actual conversations with each other, conversations that range from 'Hey! That's mine, get off!' to 'You alright? You need a cuddle?' I don't know where Molly gets her girliness from (it's not from me, that's for sure), but she was inconsolable a couple of weeks ago when her daddy tried to pair her owl top with a pair of leggings instead of the pinafore it goes with. She has also been known to dismiss outfits with a wave of her hand, declaring 'No, not this, it's not perfect.'

Other things, well, we're decorating the living room. I got an absolute bargain of a suite on Gumtree, and it was the push I needed to start tackling the living room. It's all stripped, and my husband has almost finished putting up the lining paper, there's just the fiddly bits round the window, etc left to do. I got the paint half price in a sale (woo-hoo!) and I'm excited about it all getting finished. We're undecided about replacing the carpet, that might have to wait a while. The garden has been sadly neglected, mostly because of the amount of rain we've had. I'm hoping to build a couple of raised beds for veg, and plant some fruit trees and perennials. The roses need cutting back, but I'm not sure where to cut them, and unbelievably, in November, some of them are still blooming. I'm also hoping to take cuttings from some of them, and gradually replace the specimens that are getting past their best. Out front, it's just concrete, but I've planted some containers with layers of bulbs for the spring (never done this before, hope it works), and dressed them with winter-flowering violas and variegated ivy for a little colour in these drab months. Eventually, I'd like to get a large planter, and grow a climbing rose by the front door, underplanted with other things for year round colour. It lifts the spirits.

My husbands employment situation continues to be up and down. At the moment, he's out of work, but has a temporary job lined up for December (thank goodness). We realise that although it's not ideal, it might be that I'm the one who has to work full time (or at least more than I am now) so I'm also looking and applying for jobs. I'd like to try something new, but I'm lacking confidence, so, we shall see. I'd thought about retraining, but in what field, I have no idea, and honestly, while it might sound selfish, if I was to study something, I'd really like to do it for me, for fun.

So, playing, reading, cleaning, cooking, planting, laughing, praying, loving. The pattern of family life carrys on, day by day.