Friday, 28 October 2011

Mum Poem

I may not have rock-hard abs,
that flat and wash-board tum.
I'm not a tool for washin',
I'm something more, a mum.
I've got arms for cuddlin',
a chest for snuggling'
hands for ticklin'.

Yes, there's jiggle in my wiggle,
But it gives this mum a chance,
To make her babies giggle,
when they're watching mummy dance.

My thigh's, they're not that skinny,
to most they don't look great,
but I've got a lap that's good for babies,
to sit on when it's late.

I'll never be an athlete,
and I'm certainly not lean,
enough to be a model,
in a glossy magazine.

My body isn't perfect,
by society's designs,
But God sure made it pretty great.
To do the job that's mine.

So as long as I stay healthy,
and can play, and push the pram,
I'm pretty fine and happy,
just the way I am.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Do unto yourself as you would do to Others.

Hello! First of all, did you catch that the quote in the title is the wrong way round? You did, didn't you? Clever wee sausage :) No, I'm not sleep and caffeine deprived. I put it that way deliberately because I want to address the issue of how we treat ourselves, and how we think about ourselves.

I'm a member of a very supportive group of women on FB, and one lady posted an article she found on the dangers of using the word FAT. It explained how when we use words like 'fat', 'ugly' or 'stupid' to describe ourselves, we not only hurt ourselves, we inadvertently hurt those around us. It made me think. We speak to ourselves using language we would never dream of using to someone else. We speak with viciousness, spite, contempt - and the sad thing is, we don't even realise we're doing it. It becomes so normal, that we're desensitized to it.

Even though I've never met the majority of women in the FB group, it saddens me when any of them talk badly of themselves. I'm a mother, and it would break my heart if either of my children spoke or thought about themselves in a doubting or nasty way. Right now they are babies, protected from such thoughts. Thank God.

Speaking of God, he is our loving Father and creator. He loves each and everyone of us. How it must wound God's heart when he hears how we speak and think about ourselves sometimes. That's how much God loves us, that our self doubt, and moaning over weight, or body shape, or skin, WOUNDS GOD'S HEART.

Now, I think most people are pretty nice, and treat others quite well. This is why I think we need to realise and remember how our negative thoughts and speech about ourselves affect and wound others. Maybe thinking about the hurt it can do to others will help stop our self-hating language in it's tracks. From there, perhaps we can all start using language that is more positive, loving, and nurturing. Maybe we can start 'doing to ourselves as we would to do other's.' More love can never be a bad thing, now can it?

Friday, 14 October 2011

Finding a Happy Medium.

I can hardly believe the twins are almost 5 months old, and that Molly has already learned to roll over and drag herself across the floor. Gareth doesn't seems as bothered with the whole rolling over thing, but he does like to grasp and hold things. Even at this age, their personalities are very different., both very lovable, but very different.

As they grow and get older, I also have to face some hard truths about myself. My attitude and lifestyle are not as healthy as they should be, and, to be honest, I've let myself go.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've no aspirations to be a 'Yummy Mummy.' or squeeze into skinny jeans and mid-riff exposing tank tops.

What I want is to feel healthy and vibrant, to set a good example for the kids, and make activity seem a pleasure rather than a chore. More superficially, I'd like to go shopping and not feel despair because I'm convinced nothing will look good. I would like to look nice for my husband. I would like to look nice for myself.

I need to break the cycle of inactivity, of staying in with the twins because it's the easiest thing to do. I need to realise that making time for exercise and proper nutrition is not selfish, but an investment in the future of my entire family. I KNOW what I need to do, what I'm having trouble with is finding the motivation to do it.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Functional, but not fit.

I recently agreed to help out some medical students with a project on family health. They asked about things like 'getting your five a day' (I'll admit I slip up here). Another thing they asked is about doing exercise, now, I'm the first to admit, I'll never be a gym bunny, but I do realise that exercise is important.

As they were scribbling, it hit me - I feel guilty about doing anything that goes beyond the functional. If I can look after my kids, be a good wife, and keep the house clean, anything else is superfluous.

Can health really be boiled down to this basic level? Is this a healthy attitude to health?

I don't think so, I would be heart-broken if when they're older my children ever thought this way.

I'm not quite sure what to do next, perhaps a change of attitude needs to come before a change of behaviour.